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Slip ring Induction Motor, How it works ?

 Induction motors have been ruling

the industrial world for many decades.

In the induction motors used in lifting hoists,

you will see a type of rotor called a slip ring rotor

whereas, in most of the other applications,

you will see a simpler squirrel cage type of rotor.

Why are there are two different designs

of rotor construction for induction motors?

Normal induction motors or squirrel-cage type motors

produce a very low starting torque

and for some applications,

this low starting torque will cause huge problems.

It is in these circumstances that slip ring induction motors

are used as they produce high starting torque.

Let's see this in detail.

First, let's have a look at the way

a squirrel cage induction motor works.

When a three-phase AC supply is connected

to the stator winding, it produces a rotating magnetic field

in the air gap between the stator and rotor.

This RMF cuts the rotor bars.

According to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction,

an electromotive force is induced in the bars.

Because the rotor bars are short-circuited by the end rings,

this induced EMF generates a current

to flow through the rotor bars.

According to Lorentz's law,

when a current-carrying conductor is placed

in a magnetic field, it will experience force.

You can see the force distribution on the different bars

at a particular moment in time.

These collective forces make the rotor turn.

This explanation of the way an induction motor works

won't be complete without an understanding

of the concept of inductance.

To understand what inductance is,

let's consider a simple circuit.

The circuit is a combination of a resistor

and an inductor in series which is connected

to the AC sinusoidal voltage.

Let us connect a phase angle meter to the circuit

to measure the phase difference

between the applied voltage and the current.

You can see that the current flowing through the circuit

is not in phase with the applied voltage.

This is because of the presence

of inductive reactance in the circuit.

The higher the frequency of the electricity,

the greater will be the inductive reactance

and the phase difference.

A higher resistance value reduces this phase difference.

The same thing is also happening in the rotor.

The rotor is a combination of resistance

and inductive reactance.

Due to the same phase-lag phenomenon,

if the maximum EMF is on one bar,

then the maximum current will be on another bar.

Now, here is one interesting fact about induction motors.

An induction motor produces maximum torque

when the maximum current induced on the rotor

is near to the maximum magnetic flux.

This fact is clear from the comparison of these two visuals.

Let us call it the maximum torque condition.

Throughout this video, please keep this fact in mind.

As the current induced does not meet

the maximum torque condition,

this will reduce the amount

of torque produced by the induction motor.

This phase difference will be high as the motor starts.

Let's see why.

At startup, the rotor speed is zero.

Due to this, the magnetic field will cut through the rotor

at a very high rate and the frequency of the induced EMF

will be high.

This leads to the high phase difference

which causes the very low starting torque

of a normal induction motor.

To overcome this problem,

the slip ring induction motor comes into the picture.

The working principles and stator construction

of the slip ring induction, motor is the same

as that of a squirrel cage motor.

However, the rotor construction of the slip ring motor

is quite interesting.

Instead of bars, in this motor three windings are used.

This construction of the rotor

is aimed at reducing the phase difference.

Let's see how the squirrel cage rotor does it.

For ease of understanding,

instead of the current 24 slots winding,

let's use a 12 slot winding.

Here again, the RMF induces EMF across the terminals

of the windings.

Let's join the winding ends in a star connection

and again assume that the inductive reactance is zero.

The current flow established in the winding

will be as shown.

However, in practice, the current flow

will be lagging behind the induced EMF.

Here again, the maximum torque condition is not met.

In the slip ring induction motor,

there is an option to reduce this EMF

current phase difference by use of external resistance.

The other ends of the coils are connected

to an external resistance via the slip rings.

We saw in the simple circuit that by increasing

the resistance value, we can decrease the phase difference.

As the slip ring induction motor starts,

the external resistance value is increased.

This reduces the phase difference angle

and the current induced

approaches to the maximum torque condition.

This way, slip ring induction motors

will be able to produce high torque

even as they are starting.

These graphs clearly show the higher starting torque

produced by slip ring motors in comparison

to squirrel cage motors.

Apart from the high starting torque,

it also has some other advantages

and although slip ring induction motors

have some disadvantages, they play a very important role

in elevators, cranes, hoists, and industrial uses,

such as printing presses.

                                    Thank you.

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