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Jet Engine, How it works ?

 Jet engines have been the successful drivers of aircraft for nearly a century now in

we will explain the technology behind the jet engine in a logical step-By-step Manner

a jet engine keeps an aircraft moving forward using a very simple principle.

The same that makes an air-filled balloon move

Yes, Newton's third law of motion just

The reaction force produced by the Air moves the balloon

The reaction force produced by the high-speed jet at the tail of the jet engine makes it move forward

so the working of the jet engine is all about producing a

High-speed jet [at] the exit the higher the speed of the jet the greater the thrust force

The thrust force makes an aircraft move forward

Such high-speed exhaust is achieved by a combination of techniques

If you can heat the incoming air to a high temperature it will expand tremendously and will create a high velocity.

For this purpose, a combustion chamber is used

An atomized form of the fuel is burnt in the combustion chamber

effective combustion requires air to be at moderately high temperature and pressure

To bring the air to this condition a set of compressor stages are used

The rotating blades of the compressor add energy to the fluid and its temperature and pressure rise to a level suitable to sustain combustion

Does the compressor receive the energy for the rotation from a turbine that is placed right after the combustion chamber?

The compressor and turbine are attached to the same shaft

The High-energy fluid that leaves the chamber makes the turbine blades turn

You can see that the turbine blades have a special airfoil shape which creates lift force and make them turn

As the turbine absorbs energy from the fluid its pressure drops

Through these steps, we have achieved our objective a really hot and high-speed air emitted from the exit of the engine

the engine case becomes narrower towards the outlet which results in even greater jet velocity

In short, the synchronized operation of the compressor combustion chamber and turbine makes the aircraft move forward

Modern aircraft use a slightly improved compressor turbine arrangement called a two-spool

Here two independent turbine compressor stages are used

the shaft of the outer compressor turbine passes concentrically through the inner one

The outer turbine is subjected to a low energy fluid and will run at a slower speed than the inner turbine

Low-pressure blades are longer this low-speed helps to reduce centrifugal stress induced at the root Thus improving the blades life

Some modern aircraft even use a three spool engine

The engine we have discussed so far is more specifically called a turbojet engine

Turbojet engines tend to produce high levels of noise

Revolutionary Improvement was made to this engine by fitting a large fan with the low-pressure spool

such engines are called Turbofan engines and almost every commercial aircraft run on them a

Turbofan engine bypass is a huge amount of air

The ever-narrowing bypass duct provides a good jet velocity to the bypassed air

in a turbofan engine, the majority of the thrust force comes from the fans reaction force

further, the fan greatly improves Airflow in the system by sucking in more air

Thus it helps to improve the thrust.

This means high thrust creation with an expense of slightly more fuel

This is a reason why Turbofan engines highly fuel economical

The noise produced by a jet engine is highly dependent on the exit jet velocity

Since in a turbofan the bypassed cold air gets mixed with the hot air it is possible to keep the outlet velocity within a limit.

Thus it overcomes the noise problem

With quieter exhaust and better fuel economy, the turbofan engines continued to dominate aircraft propulsion systems

We hope this provided a nice introduction to the working of jet engines. 

                                                                 Thank you

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