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Seatbelt | How does it work?

 Everybody knows what happens in an

accident if you don't wear a seat belt.

what you see in this accident looks

really painful in slow motion

modern seat belts are not just

mechanisms which arrest your motion

rather they cleverly allow enough

movement to minimize internal injuries

and help you land safely on an airbag

in this video we won't just learn the

working of a seat belt

we will learn why modern seat belt

mechanisms are designed the way they are

so buckle your seat belt and let's start

a design journey

let's start with the simplest form of

seat belt design a design using a spiral

spring and seat belt webbing

the center of the spiral spring is

connected to a freely rotating shaft

you can see how the spring tenses as you

rotate the shaft

the webbing is also connected to the


when not in use the passenger lets the

webbing go

and due to the tension of the spring the

webbing will wind automatically

we have just built a basic seat belt


using this arrangement we can build a

three-point seat belt mechanism

in this design the other end of the

webbing is fixed as shown

a buckle clip is also kept in the


as illustrated the passenger can easily

buckle the seat belt

it will fit nicely the retractor will


sufficient length of webbing depending

upon the passenger size

the three points in this design are

marked here.

this design will not cause any passenger

discomfort by restricting movement

obviously the seat belt design will fail

completely in an accident

because it allows the passenger movement

even during an accident

an ideal seat belt mechanism should

block the passenger's movement

in an accident let's see how to convert

the current design

into an intelligent seat belt mechanism

during an accident the vehicle

experiences a huge deceleration

or suddenly comes to a halt a clever


can be designed by making use of this

effect using this

free-to-roll steel ball and a hinge

the ball is placed at the other side of

the retractor

and a sprocket is connected to the

retractor shaft

this means that whenever the belt winds

or unwinds

the sprocket will spin under normal

driving conditions

the ball is in a resting position as


however when the vehicle stops suddenly

the ball moves forward

due to its inertia this movement will

move the hinge

and trigger a locking mechanism

this locking will prevent any further

release of the webbing from the


which means the seat belt simply arrests

your motion during a crash

in the early days of seat belt

development it was quite important to


people's trust so that they would use

seat belts regularly

the ball movement technology we just

discussed is a perfect one

but a common man cannot test this


so engineers came up with an interesting


develop one more mechanism which is

based on the webbing's speed

if the webbing moves fast it should lock

if not

it shouldn't lock at all this

speed based locking mechanism can be

achieved with the help of a few new


first a central piece is fitted to the

webbing shaft

and an internal gear is fixed by

attaching it to the frame

another piece sits over the central


let's give it an orange color the

interesting thing

is that the orange piece is not tightly

fitted to the central piece

it is slightly loose and free to move as


if the central piece rotates slowly the

orange piece

will be able to move with it however

when the central piece rotates fast

the orange piece won't be able to catch

up with it resulting in an interesting


as shown

let's watch the same animation in ultra

slow motion for better understanding

obviously the belt will lock when the

passenger moves forward fast

most importantly this is an easy

mechanism that everybody can test

which increases consumer confidence in

seat belt usage.

this second mechanism has another use if

the first mechanism

fails it will act as a backup mechanism

but the issues related to seat belt

design are not fully resolved yet

for instance if the seat belt blocks

passenger movement completely during an


the belt will create tremendous pressure

on the passenger's chest

which can lead to internal organ injury

this risk is why modern seat belt

retractors come with a torsion bar

the torsion bar helps to release the

belt a little when it reaches a critical


thus saving the passenger from excessive

pressure on the chest

let's see how it is done practically

the end of the seat belt webbing can be

connected to this torsion bar

the concept of this mechanism is simple

when the load on the belt reaches a

critical limit

the bar will undergo torsion as shown

please note that one end of the shaft is

fixed due to the locking mechanism

note here that the twist of this bar is

not uniform throughout its length

it is zero at one end and maximum at the

other end

if we connect the belt directly to this

shaft we won't get a belt release

to overcome this issue the belt webbing

is connected to a spindle

and the spindle is connected to the free

end of the torsion bar

this connection means that during

torsion the whole spindle will turn the

maximum twist

angle of the torsion bar

this unit replaces the normal shaft of

the retractor

this way the belt will be released a

little when the belt pressure reaches a

critical value

which saves the passenger from internal

organ injury

one more ingenious safety mechanism

common in cars nowadays

is the pre-tensioner most of us sit in a

car in a relaxed way

so our bodies may not lean on the seat


this posture drastically reduces the

amount of time the safety mechanisms


to save your life however a

pre-tensioner makes you sit as close to

the seat as possible

right before an accident

right before impact most of us press the

brake pedal

hard a smart controller predicts an


by sensing the fast movement of the

brake pedal

the retractors with pre-tensioners have

an additional piston mechanism

a piston mechanism filled with explosive


as soon as the controller detects the

chance of an accident

it will ignite the explosive which will

push the piston and the seat belt will


in short even before you hit the rock

you will be ready for the accident

with the increased time the safety

measures in your car can work better

hope you enjoyed this journey through

seatbelt safety technologies.

                                          Thank you

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