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Lithium-ion battery, How does it work?


A portable power supply has become the lifeline

of the modern technological world,

especially the lithium-ion battery.

Imagine a world where all cars are driven

by induction motors and not internal combustion engines.

Induction motors are far superior to IC engines

in almost all engineering aspects,

as well as being more robust and cheaper.

Another huge disadvantage of IC engines

is that they only produce usable torque

in a narrow band of engine RPM.

Considering all of these factors,

induction motors are the perfect choice

for an automobile.

However, the power supply for an induction motor

is the real bottleneck in achieving

a major induction motor revolution

in the automobile industry.

Let's explore how Tesla, with the help of lithium-ion cells,

solved this issue and why lithium-ion cells are going

to become even better in the future.

Let's take a Tesla cell out

from the battery pack and break it down.

You can see different layers

of chemical compounds inside it.

Tesla's lithium-ion battery works on an interesting concept

associated with metals called electrochemical potential.

The electrochemical potential is the tendency

of a metal to lose electrons.

The very first cell, developed by Alessandro Volta

more than 200 years ago, was based

on the concept of electrochemical potential.

A general electrochemical series is shown here.

According to these values, lithium has the highest tendency

to lose electrons and fluorine has the least tendency

to lose electrons.

Volta took two metals

with different electrochemical potentials,

in this case, zinc, and silver,

and created an external flow of electricity.

Sony made the first commercial model

of a lithium-ion battery in 1991.

It was again based on the same concept

of electrochemical potential.

Lithium, which has the highest tendency to lose electrons,

was used in lithium-ion cells.

Lithium has only one electron in its outer shell

and always wants to lose this electron.

Due to this reason, pure lithium is a highly reactive metal.

It even reacts with water and air.

The trick of a lithium-ion battery operation is the fact

that lithium, in its pure form, is a reactive metal.

But when lithium is part of a metal oxide,

it is quite stable.

Assume that somehow we have separated a lithium atom

from this metal oxide.

This lithium atom is highly unstable

and will instantly form a lithium-ion and an electron.

However, lithium, as a part of metal oxide,

is much more stable than this state.

If you can provide two different paths

for the electron and lithium-ion flow

between the lithium and the metal oxide,

the lithium atom will automatically reach

the metal oxide part.

During this process, we have produced electricity

from the electron flow through the one path.

From these discussions, it is clear

that we can produce electricity

from this lithium metal oxide,

if we first separate lithium atoms

from the lithium metal oxide, and secondly,

guide the electrons lost from such lithium atoms

through an external circuit.

Let's see how lithium-ion cells

achieve these two objectives.

A practical lithium-ion cell

also uses an electrolyte and graphite.

Graphite has a layered structure.

These layers are loosely bonded

so that the separated lithium-ions

can be stored very easily there.

The electrolyte between the graphite and the metal oxide

acts as a guard which allows only lithium-ions through.

Now let's see what happens when you connect a power source

across this arrangement.

The positive side of the power source will attract

and remove electrons from the lithium atoms

of the metal oxide.

These electrons flow through the external circuit

as they cannot flow through the electrolyte and reach the graphite layer.

In the meantime, the positively charged lithium-ions

will be attracted towards the negative terminal

and will flow through the electrolyte.

lithium-ions also reach the graphite layer space

and get trapped there.

Once all the lithium atoms reach the graphite sheet,

the cell is fully charged.

Thus we have achieved the first objective

which is the lithium-ions and electrons detached

from the metal oxide.

As we discussed, this is an unstable state,

as if being perched on top of a hill.

As soon as the power source is removed,

and a load is connected, the lithium-ions want to go back

to their stable state as a part of the metal oxide.

Due to this tendency, the lithium-ions move

through the electrolyte and electrons via the load,

just like sliding down a hill.

Thus we get an electrical current through the load.

Please note that that graphite does not have a role

in the chemical reaction of the lithium-ion cells.

Graphite is just a storage medium for lithium-ions.

If the internal temperature of the cell rises due

to some abnormal condition,

the liquid electrolyte will dry up

and there will be a short circuit between the anode

and cathode and this can lead to a fire or an explosion.

To avoid such a situation, an insulating layer,

called the separator, is placed between the electrodes.

The separator is permeable for the lithium-ions

because of its microporosity.

In a practical cell, the graphite and metal oxide are coated

onto copper and aluminum foils.

The foils act as current collectors here

and the positive and negative tabs can be easily taken out

from the current collectors.

An organic salt of lithium acts as the electrolyte

and it is coated onto the separator sheet.

All these three sheets are wound onto the cylinder

around a central steel core,

thus making the cell more compact.

A standard Tesla cell has a voltage

of between three and 4.2 volts.

Many such Tesla cells are connected in series

and in a parallel fashion to form a module.

16 such modules are connected in series

to form a battery pack in the Tesla car.

Lithium-ion cells produce a lot of heat during the operation

and the high temperature will decay the cells' performance.

A battery management system is used

to manage the temperature, state of charge,

voltage protection, and cell health monitoring

of such a huge number of cells.

Glycol-based cooling technology is used

in the Tesla battery pack.

The BMS adjusts to the glycol flow rate

to maintain the optimum battery temperature.

Voltage protection is another crucial job of the BMS.

For example, in these three cells, during charging

a higher capacity cell will be charged more than the rest.

To solve this problem,

the BMS uses something called cell balancing.

In cell balancing, all the cells are allowed to charge

and discharge equally, thus protecting them

from over and under-voltage.

This is where Tesla scores over Nissan battery technology.

The Nissan Leaf has a huge battery cooling issue due

to the big size of its cells and the absence

of an active cooling method.

The small multiple cell design has one more advantage.

During high power demand situations,

the discharge strain will be divided equally

among each of the cells.

Instead of many small cells

if we had used a single giant cell,

it would have been put under a lot of strain,

and eventually, it would suffer premature death. By using many small cylindrical cells,

the manufacturing technology of which

is already well established,

Tesla made a winning decision.

There is a magical phenomenon that happens

within lithium-ion cells during their very first charge

that saves the lithium-ion cells from sudden death.

Let's see what it is.

The electrons in the graphite layer are a major problem.

The electrolyte will be degraded

if the electrons come into contact with it.

However, the electrons never come into contact

with the electrolyte due to an accidental discovery,

the solid electrolyte interface.

When you charge the cell for the first time,

as explained above, the lithium-ions move

through the electrolyte.

Here, in this journey, solvent molecules

in the electrolyte cover the lithium-ions.

When they reach the graphite, the lithium-ions,

along with the solvent molecules,

react with the graphite and form a layer there

called the SEI layer.

The formation of this SEI layer is a blessing in disguise.

It prevents any direct contact

between the electrons and the electrolyte,

thus saving the electrolyte from degradation.

In this overall process of the formation of the SEI layer,

it will consume 5% of the lithium.

The remaining 95% of the lithium contributes

to the main working of the battery.

Even though the SEI layer was an accidental discovery,

with over two decades of research and development,

scientists have optimized the thickness and chemistry

of the SEI layer for maximum cell performance.

It is amazing to find out that those electronic gadgets

we used around two decades back

did not use lithium-ion batteries.

With its amazing speed of growth,

the lithium-ion battery market is expected

to become a $90 billion annual industry within a few years.

The currently achieved number of charge-discharge cycles

of a lithium-ion battery is around 3,000.

Great minds across the globe are putting their best efforts

into increasing this to 10,000 cycles.

That means you would not have to worry

about replacing the battery in your car for 25 years.

Millions of dollars have already been invested in research

into replacing the storage medium graphite with silicon.

If this is successful, the energy density

of the lithium-ion cell will then increase

by more than five times.

we hope this provided you with a clear conceptual understanding

about lithium-ion cells and their future.

If you would like to learn more about

the lithium-ion cells used in mobile phones,

Thank you.

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