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How does Satellite Television work?

 Satellites have revolutionized the way that we humans live.

 we are going to explore

how satellite television works

and also the big money flows associated

with this broadcasting business.,

we will also explain the interesting reason

why there is no buffering of your TV broadcast

in the way that internet videos are buffered.

To understand satellite TV broadcasting properly,

we first need to have some basic knowledge

about the parts of a satellite

and how a satellite moves.

As you can see,

the Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit,

and the Earth also turns on it's own axis.

You can see that this axis of rotation is

not perpendicular to the elliptical orbit surface

but slightly inclined, as shown.

For satellite TV to work,

the satellite should not move relative to your house.

This means that the satellite should rotate at

the same speed as that of the earth.

Which means, it will take 24 hours to complete one cycle.

Let's work out the force balance equation of

the gravitational and centrifugal forces at this point

using this speed information.

You can see that the orbital radius required to achieve

the no relative motion condition, for the satellite,

is exactly 42,164 kilometers.

This orbit is known as a geostationary orbit.

All satellites used for satellite TV purposes

should be parked in this orbit.

And this visual shows how crowded the geostationary belt

has become nowadays.

Now, let's find out a few things about the satellite itself.

The energy required for a satellite mostly comes from

it's solar panels.

However, if the satellite is not facing the sun,

a battery pack helps to continue it's operations.

It is interesting to note that satellites have

small engines called thrusters.

The gravitational field experienced by a satellite

is not uniform due to irregularities on the Earth's surface

and the presence of the Moon and the Sun.

The thruster produces a very minute amount of force to keep

the orientation and position of the satellite correct.

The most important part of a satellite for communication

purposes is the transponder.

The transponder's receive signals from the base station

at one frequency, amplify the power of the signal,

remove any noise and transmit it back to earth

at a different frequency.

The uplink frequency is always higher

than the downlink frequency.

You can see antennas of different frequency bands.

For D2H, the Ku Band frequency is generally used.

These Ku Band Signals have good power,

which allows a smaller size receiver antenna.

In the past, C Band signals,

which have lower energy,

were used for television communications

and that's why huge antennas were used

in those earlier days.

However, Ku Band signal's are affected by rain.

So, scientist's have had to overcome this issue

with improvements in satellite technology.

Now that we have some basic information,

let's see how hundreds of TV channels reach to your home

via the satellite TV technology.

Consider the case of this TV channel, CNN.

They have a video production facility

and keep on producing content for mass viewing, 24/7.

We call them a program source.

This channel needs to be available at the same time on

many satellite TV broadcasters networks.

We call them DBS providers.

To achieve this, CNN just beams their signal to their

rented transponder in it's geostationary orbit.

It should be noted that before sending the video signals,

the program source inserts advertisements as suitable points

and this is the first source of income for the channel.

Now the CNN signal is commonly available at one point,

and any DBS provider can access the signal

once they have made a business agreement

with the program source.

Similarly, the DBS provider collects signals from

many such channels or program sources.

At their broadcast center,

they club all these content together

and do video formatting like MPEG compression,

standardization of bit rate,

and encryption of the signal.

After that, the DBS provider beams the signal to their

rented transponder in a satellite.

A DBS provider rents many transponders to handle

the huge amount of data they have to transmit.

This way around 300-400 channels will be available

on a single DBS provider satellite.

Now the last phase in signal transmission;

the transmission of the signals to the end user.

Here, the end user has to angle their dish antenna

towards the DBS providers satellite.

You might have seen that for different DBS providers,

there are different angles for the dishes.

Even if the dishes are all in the same location.

This is because the different providers might be using

different satellites for transmitting their signals.

The signals received by your dish are

encrypted to prevent piracy,

and only a dedicated card in the set top box

will be able to decrypt it back.

Do you know that the live events you are watching

on your satellite television

are actually delayed by a few seconds?

The signal leaving the broadcast center

has to travel a huge distance via two satellites

before it reaches you.

Even though the signal travels at the speed of light,

such a huge distance will cause a delay

of around 0.5 seconds.

Moreover, a live broadcaster may also add

a specific profanity delay on top of the normal delay.

Now for the interesting comparison between

internet videos and satellite TV.

Both of the television and internet technologies

transmit data in a digital format, as zeros and ones.

Why is there no buffering on your TV,

in the way that you see it on YouTube or Facebook videos?

On satellite television, the broadcaster offers

only 300 to 400 channels or video streams

and the user has to select just one

from this small collection.

However, on the internet, the demands of each user

are very different.

There are millions of videos on the internet to choose from.

This means that the volume of traffic handled by

TV broadcasters is no where close to

the level of internet traffic,

and it is this huge level of traffic on the internet

which made may sometimes cause traffic congestion

and buffering.

Thank you.

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